
Friday, 6 June 2014

Smart footprint (Cyber Smart)

You always need to remember about smart footprint the reason why is because everything you do people are watching you or can see you especially online. If you say something mean to other people online and you try and delete it won’t work because people can see what your doing.

Its amazing sharing things online on your blog and making fun videos. But when you do something wrong and never be cyber smart the teachers and your mother will see what you are doing.

Smart footprint is not only foot print on the sand its about what you do. You have to be smart and chose to do the right things not bad if you friends make you do something dumb would you really listen or be smart?

It cool and amazing sharing things but sharing bad things is not being smart. Everywhere you go there is always a footprint when ever you do something bad and you try to trash it you would always leave a footprint.

Just remember what Mr Burt said being smart footprint is be a good person not being bad. Just remember that everywhere you go you would always leave a footprint no matter what you do or where you go.

Smart Footprint.png

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